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Quality Management Systems

    A good Quality Management System underpins your organisations business strategies, and ensuring customer satisfaction is key. It can decrease the risk factors that may harm your business and increase productivity and profit. We have supported numerous clients, working in partnership with them to implement and maintain their Quality Management System and receiving ISO 9001:2015 Certification. Hertfordshire Mind Network have been a client of ours for years’ and as a result, continue to achieve their certification year on year. Herts Mind Network use their quality system process to ensure that clients are satisfied and tenders and grants are successfully applied for. The QMS is an integral part of the business structure and assisted Herts Mind Network in recently achieving the prestigious Mind Quality Mark. 

    Landscape and Visual Sensitivity Assessment

      We created a detailed brief and tender process for the Landscape and Visual Sensitivity Assessment for Shropshire Council. We also provided advice and support at each stage of the Assessment, both to the Council and to the winning tender consultant, Gillespies. The Assessment was the winner of the 2019 Landscape Institute Awards, as one of the first county-wide sensitivity studies to undertake separate landscape and visual assessments, and the criteria used in the study, as defined by ESP Ltd, was one of the examples referenced in the latest Natural England Guidance – An approach to landscape sensitivity assessment – to inform spatial planning and land management, published in June 2019.  “Thank you so much for your help with the Landscape and Visual Sensitivity Study. It’s been invaluable and I really appreciate the excellent support you’ve given us throughout the whole process. It’s been a pleasure working with you.” Joy Tetshill, Senior Planning Officer, Shropshire Council.

      North Cave Wetlands Nature Reserve

        We work with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to restore Breedon’s North Cave Quarry and turn it into an extension of the North Cave Wetlands Nature Reserve. It’s a fascinating site for bird life. This picture shows the recently planted reedbeds which are one of the key habitats we are creating. In 2023 a large ‘donor reedbed’ site we designed was built with the help of the YWT site manager and Mires Beck Nursery, a local charity who work with the community and ensure the common reeds are of extremely local provenance!. These donor reedbeds act as a ‘growing on nursery’ for future planting across the quarry as it is restored.  This is just one aspect of the work we’ve done at North Cave, from masterplanning, restoration design, earthworks contract specifications and bills, to detailed water management systems, planting plans, fencing plans and sourcing bird hides.

        Zones of Theoretical Visibility

          We used ‘Zones of Theoretical Visibility’ and sight-line sections to prove the need for a low, sympathetic screening bund to within the grounds of a Georgian Listed Building in Staffordshire. We provided a simple Heritage Statement based on the history of the grounds, and detailed planting proposals were designed with an ecologist. Planning consent was granted in January 2023.

          Dry Rigg Quarry

            Helping Tarmac achieve planning consent for an extension at Dry Rigg Quarry within the Yorkshire Dales National Park in April 2023. This quarry produces stone with exceptional wearing and skid-resistant properties, so met stringent tests to grant consent. We carefully considered the landscape and visual impacts of the proposal and provided detailed mitigation proposals including a biodiversity-led restoration scheme and long-term habitat management plan.

            Bradgate Park

              We provided the Bradgate Park Trust with a Design & Access Statement to support their applications for funding and consents to resurface approx. 3.5km of paths throughout this beautiful and popular medieval deer park. The report was produced jointly with heritage consultants CFP to ensure the landscape and heritage assets of the Park were carefully considered. “Bradgate Park Trust found working with CFP and ESP to be a straightforward and enjoyable process. Communication was clear throughout the project and the knowledge and enthusiasm of the staff came across strongly. We would very happily work with the team again.” James Dymond, Director of Bradgate Park.

              Environmental Management Systems

                Most companies can damage their reputation and profit-making abilities by not managing their environmental risks and opportunities. We work with businesses to develop bespoke, tailored Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to various ISO standards (including 14001:2015 and EMAS). We make sure any potential environmental impact is linked to the appropriate legislation, procedures, targets or audits in any area of the business. Testimonial

                Health and Safety

                  Health & Safety is an integral part of most businesses. ESP has broad experience in designing health & safety systems from scratch as well as developing existing systems to OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001. We can offer a bespoke audit to suit each client. ESP work with Unusual Rigging Ltd assisting with their Integrated Management System which includes ISO 45001:2018 as well as ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015. Health and Safety is inherent at Unusual due to the nature of the business which is predominantly rigging.  Maintaining their ISO 45001:2018 certificate enables Unusual to continue to win contracts which include the installing the Christmas lights in Oxford Street.  Testimonial


                    Energy management can help save the environment, as well as saving organisations’ money by reducing fuel consumption. We can implement systems to ISO 50001 and can make sure you retain ESOS Compliance if you are eligible. We are currently working to achieve Net Zero status with key customers. We have worked with Sonardyne to assist them in formulating an Energy Management System (EnMS) to ISO50001 the Energy Management International Standard. Originally the EnMS was designed to meet the requirements of the 2011 Standard and then modified to the most recent 2018 version. Whilst originally implemented to meet the requirements of the Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) there have been many benefits, including: In addition, this has led to a greater understanding of carbon emissions and the implementation of the Publicly Available Standard (PAS) 2060 for Carbon Neutrality.

                    Biodiversity Action Plans

                      We have created four site-based Biodiversity Action Plans so far for Breedon as part of their Sustainability Strategy. We check the approved planning consent and ecological surveys to date to create targets which are right for the site and the location, and work with the quarry managers to make sure the targets set are practical and achievable.